My family's journey down the road less traveled....

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

The Simple Woman's Daybook...experiment

As you know, or maybe you don't, I'm great with ideas and concepts yet have issues with follow through.  It's one of my many character flaws and I'm working on it.  Well, I'll work on it tomorrow, or maybe next week!

I digress...I found The Simple Woman's Daybook blog and have decided to give it a whirl.  As my recent post indicated, I have been feeling a little lost and disgruntled at life.  It's become hard to see the forest for all the trees and desperately want to feel connected to life again.  I think this can help me or at least encourage me to slow down and take a look around.  I tend to get bitter when I've lost sight of the blessing in my own life.
 simple woman's daybook #1
Tuesday January 3, 2012

Outside my window...the wind is whipping the light dusting of snow around and it's frigid!!

I am thinking...that if my kids don't stop squabbling at each other I might lose my mind.

I am thankful...that my girls go back to school tomorrow.

In the kitchen...there is a pot of used frying oil I have no clue what to do with.

I am wearing...standard issue...jeans, long sleeve shirt with fleece zip vest, socks and slippers.

I am creating...nothing at the moment.

I am take my son to Cub Scouts tonight.

I am wondering...why my children fight so often.

I am reading...nothing for me at the present but helping my son read Mr. Popper's Penguins.

I am finish all the dirty laundry in my house today.

I am looking forward to...the kids' bedtime tonight and the few moment of quiet I will have.

I am have patience.

Around the house...there is much clutter and useless(to us) stuff gathering dust.

I am pondering...what God wants me to do.  What is my purpose on this Earth?

A favorite quote for today..."shhhh, Mama has a headache"

One of my favorite things...My new juicer :-)

A few plans for the rest of the week:School work with the littlest Oompa.

A peek into my day...

The never ending clutter and mess!!!

 Go and start your own daybook!!  The Simple Woman


  1. Great post. I laughed when I saw your photo. Looked way too much like the one I posted :D

  2. Sad thing is, I cleaned all this up and an hour later it was covered with new junk!! Gotta love my son and Hubby for their messy ways.
