My family's journey down the road less traveled....
There's No Place Like Home...
The family and I spent a glorious weekend in Cincinnati with Mr. Awesome's© family. It was a late Christmas celebration...really late!! His parents had moved to Florida and due to sick family members they were not able to get up here during the holidays so we postponed the festivities.
This was our first meeting with his brother's newest addition and wowey, wow, wow that kid is amazing!! I kept thanking my sister-in-law for him, she no doubt thinks I've lost my mind but little Emerson is a scrumptious baby. He has these delicious little fat rolls on the back of his head and was so mellow. He reminded me of the boy Oompa at that age. If it wasn't for the whole pregnancy thing, I'd have another in a heartbeat.
Overall, a great weekend. Ate too much, drank too much, stayed up too late and swam till my body collapsed. Perfect! Even in the face of Mt. Laundry staring at me, it was perfect and I hope we can do it again soon!!
Outside my is cloudy and gray with a trace of last night's snow still ont he ground. It's okay because tomorrow is supposed to be int he mid 50's!!
I am thinking...about all the goodies I want to plant in my garden this year.
I am thankful...for my amazing family and the time we got to spend with them.
In the kitchen...are a few different small containers of soup/stew thawing for dinner.
I am pants and a t-shirt. I'm cold though and need to go hunt down a sweater.
I am creating...a plan for my garden.
I am going...may head down to my Mom's house...Mr. Awesome© left his cell phone in her car!!
I am wondering...what mood the oldest Oompa will be in when she gets home from school...she was VERY grumpy this morning.
I am reading...a few free e-books on the Kindle.
I am hoping...that Mr. Awesome© gets over the cold he started yesterday. He's the biggest baby when he's sick.
I am looking forward to...this coming Sunday. The 38th annual Maple Syrup festival at's exhausting but I want it over and DONE!!
I am to eat healthy without compromising taste.
Around the's clean and the hum of the dryer is my background noise.
I am much time I am going to waste once I set up my Pinterest account!!
A favorite quote for today...nothing today.
One of my favorite things...babies with fat rolls on their perfect, tiny heads!!
A few plans for the rest of the week: Cub Scouts on Tuesday, work on Wednesday,Thursday & Saturday with the festival on Sunday!!
A peek into my day...well really my weekend!!
All the Oompas!!! |
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