Rock on........Deborah

My family's journey down the road less traveled....
Saturday, March 31, 2012
My Life as a Roadie....
My Oompa-Loompas are in a band called the Thunder Monkeys and last night they played their MOST AMAZING show ever!!! I am so proud to be their mom, stylist, make-up artist, videographer and most importantly...their roadie!!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Dork of Epic Proportion....
I'm a dork. I know this, I embrace this, I'm okay with this. I watch documentaries, Star Wars and read way too much. I know odd facts like the mating habits of the Ecuadorian Gwanako and how many beats per minute a swallow needs in order to maintain it's air-speed velocity. You may be wondering where this is leading...I promise it is leading somewhere. You may, however, not like where we end up and will probably definitely, rue the day you took 3 minutes(that you'll never get back) to read this drivel.
It's a tribute to my geeky side and love of movie lines. Especially, really bad movies and their cheesed up scripts!!
Last night, as I closed up the chicken coop and gathered the late layers eggs, I was shocked to find this sucker!! Ouch!!
All that kept running though my sad little mind was the scene from Crocodile Dundee where he's in the park and is jumped by muggers. They whip out a knife and he replies, "That's not a knife. THAT's a knife". This line has to go down in the record books as one of the cheesiest movie lines in history. It's right up there with, "I carried a watermelon", "GOONIES NEVER SAY DIE!!", and "Pain don't hurt".
Hmmmm, wonder if I can get it from Netflix??
"Right, well, ah. 'Till Wednesday. Cheerio"......................Deborah
It's a tribute to my geeky side and love of movie lines. Especially, really bad movies and their cheesed up scripts!!
Last night, as I closed up the chicken coop and gathered the late layers eggs, I was shocked to find this sucker!! Ouch!!
All that kept running though my sad little mind was the scene from Crocodile Dundee where he's in the park and is jumped by muggers. They whip out a knife and he replies, "That's not a knife. THAT's a knife". This line has to go down in the record books as one of the cheesiest movie lines in history. It's right up there with, "I carried a watermelon", "GOONIES NEVER SAY DIE!!", and "Pain don't hurt".
Hmmmm, wonder if I can get it from Netflix??
"Right, well, ah. 'Till Wednesday. Cheerio"......................Deborah
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
My Not So Dirty Dozen....
Today's Bounty |
Egg-citely yours.........................Deborah
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Monday..........Where For Art Thou???
Come on Monday!! Yes, you heard me. I am cheering for Monday to make it's often dreaded reappearance. I'm exhausted. This weekend has been three days of non-stop going and doing and yes, my weekend started on Friday. It's how I roll.
We declared Friday a "mental health day" for the oldest Oompa and she and I headed off early to town to meet with the orthodontist. About a month ago, I took her in for the initial consultation which included x-rays and impressions. They called to schedule a consult meeting to go over the game plan and what a plan! Poor kid inherited my bad genetics on that front. As luck (good or bad to be determined later) would have it, there was a lull in their schedule, so they went ahead and put on the upper brackets and wires.
We declared Friday a "mental health day" for the oldest Oompa and she and I headed off early to town to meet with the orthodontist. About a month ago, I took her in for the initial consultation which included x-rays and impressions. They called to schedule a consult meeting to go over the game plan and what a plan! Poor kid inherited my bad genetics on that front. As luck (good or bad to be determined later) would have it, there was a lull in their schedule, so they went ahead and put on the upper brackets and wires.
My poor baby |
We followed up with weekly grocery shopping which entailed three stores. One of which was sold out of a sale item. I hate that. I really do. While I understand the view point of the hoarders preppers, these people need to understand that having 216 bottles of shampoo isn't going to save them from the zombies. In fact, zombies prefer clean smelling victims. That's why, when the time comes, I'll bathe in skunk oil. I digress. I squeezed in a little laundry too.
The highlight of the day was these little buggers....I love me some fuzzy butts!!! The dark ones are Silver Lace Wyandotte and the blond one is a Golden Comet. The Wyandottes, are Middle Oompa's 4-H project. I picked up the Golden Comet for boy Oompa. He has a terrible streak of losing his hens to predators. I named this one Gloria, as in Gaynor and we're all prayin' that she'll Survive!!!
Skipping to Saturday. I worked an 8 hour shift and fed 100 people breakfast and dinner. I was also able to refine the schedule for the next few weeks, plan 2 menus and write up my order. That will actually save me a little time this week, I can order from home on Monday instead of going into the camp. Smart huh?? Yeah, I know...I am amazing. Thanks for noticing!! When I got home Mr. Awesome© was finishing up work on the car. I count this as work I accomplished. Do you know how many hours of relentless nagging I had to put into that car? It was exhausting I tell ya!! The rest of the day was occupied with target shooting, a trip to my favorite home improvement store and the ever important ordering of pizza.
Sunday was the real test of my endurance. I decided to not look this gift weather in the mouth, whatever that goofy saying means, and get my hiney and the hineys of my people, outside and working on the yard and garden. Limbs were trimmed, flower beds raked, and debris was picked up. My burn pile is looking a little on the large side and the next non-windy day I'll plant myself out there and get it knocked out. Mr. Awesome© took to the vegetable garden with our new 50,000 BTU torch. I love this thing. It is one of the best tools we've ever owned. Seriously. Boy Oompa kept calling it a flame thrower!!
It made short work of what would have been an otherwise daunting and back-breaking, ball-busting chore. And let's face it, burning stuff is fun. I had an internal dialogue of Bevis and Butthead running through my mind the entire time. The garden will be ready in a few weeks for these little babies.........
I tried to cap the evening off with a little cajun chicken on the grill but a nasty pop-up thunder storm got in my way. George Foreman came to my rescue and we ate like kings. Oldest Oompa and I even mastered homemade jambalaya. Suck it Emeril!! Bam!!
Overall, a productive, family togetherness, gorgeous weekend. I even picked up these lovely muck boots at the feed store!! Mr. Awesome© hates them, actively. I think they're only one step above fugly but the fact that it raises his hackles is so funny that I pretend to love them!! It's the little things.
I'm looking ahead to a peaceful, quiet evening of reading before I crash into bed. My body isn't used to all this fresh air and vigorous exercise!!!
I bid you all a good night and in the words of the Man in Black, "Sleep well and dream of large women".
Friday, March 16, 2012
If This is Global Warming...I'm In!!!
It's only mid-March here in Ohio and today's high temp will hit 74 degrees!! Ya'll read that right...74 beautiful, warm, makes me want to get out and play in the dirt, degrees. Halleluiah!!!
It seems a little absurd to complain about cold weather since we really haven't had all. There were a few days/nights where the temps plummeted near the 0 degree mark but they didn't last long. Top it off with only a few inches of that white death stuff and it doesn't seem right to call it winter to begin with. More like Sfall, or maybe Frspring?? I digress.
My rational side (read buzz-kill) tells me that these last few glorious days are an anomaly and we will get a cold snap before spring makes her true entrance. This is after all, Ohio. Our weather patterns are more bipolar than all the loonies from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. I remember blizzard like conditions at the end of March a few years ago. We got snowed in and Mr. Awesome© missed his all important auto show in Detroit.
However, I will not let my inner child down...we've got big plans for the weekend which include trimming the apple trees, plotting out my new garden and maybe even firing up the tiller! This spring fever even prompted me to buy a cheapy little greenhouse and get my seeds started. I'm prepared baby!!
Wishing you all an early spring................Deborah
It seems a little absurd to complain about cold weather since we really haven't had all. There were a few days/nights where the temps plummeted near the 0 degree mark but they didn't last long. Top it off with only a few inches of that white death stuff and it doesn't seem right to call it winter to begin with. More like Sfall, or maybe Frspring?? I digress.
My rational side (read buzz-kill) tells me that these last few glorious days are an anomaly and we will get a cold snap before spring makes her true entrance. This is after all, Ohio. Our weather patterns are more bipolar than all the loonies from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. I remember blizzard like conditions at the end of March a few years ago. We got snowed in and Mr. Awesome© missed his all important auto show in Detroit.
However, I will not let my inner child down...we've got big plans for the weekend which include trimming the apple trees, plotting out my new garden and maybe even firing up the tiller! This spring fever even prompted me to buy a cheapy little greenhouse and get my seeds started. I'm prepared baby!!
Wishing you all an early spring................Deborah
Monday, March 05, 2012
There's No Place Like Home...
The family and I spent a glorious weekend in Cincinnati with Mr. Awesome's© family. It was a late Christmas celebration...really late!! His parents had moved to Florida and due to sick family members they were not able to get up here during the holidays so we postponed the festivities.
This was our first meeting with his brother's newest addition and wowey, wow, wow that kid is amazing!! I kept thanking my sister-in-law for him, she no doubt thinks I've lost my mind but little Emerson is a scrumptious baby. He has these delicious little fat rolls on the back of his head and was so mellow. He reminded me of the boy Oompa at that age. If it wasn't for the whole pregnancy thing, I'd have another in a heartbeat.
Overall, a great weekend. Ate too much, drank too much, stayed up too late and swam till my body collapsed. Perfect! Even in the face of Mt. Laundry staring at me, it was perfect and I hope we can do it again soon!!
The Simple Woman's Daybook
Outside my is cloudy and gray with a trace of last night's snow still ont he ground. It's okay because tomorrow is supposed to be int he mid 50's!!
I am thinking...about all the goodies I want to plant in my garden this year.
I am thankful...for my amazing family and the time we got to spend with them.
In the kitchen...are a few different small containers of soup/stew thawing for dinner.
I am pants and a t-shirt. I'm cold though and need to go hunt down a sweater.
I am creating...a plan for my garden.
I am going...may head down to my Mom's house...Mr. Awesome© left his cell phone in her car!!
I am wondering...what mood the oldest Oompa will be in when she gets home from school...she was VERY grumpy this morning.
I am reading...a few free e-books on the Kindle.
I am hoping...that Mr. Awesome© gets over the cold he started yesterday. He's the biggest baby when he's sick.
I am looking forward to...this coming Sunday. The 38th annual Maple Syrup festival at's exhausting but I want it over and DONE!!
I am to eat healthy without compromising taste.
Around the's clean and the hum of the dryer is my background noise.
I am much time I am going to waste once I set up my Pinterest account!!
A favorite quote for today...nothing today.
One of my favorite things...babies with fat rolls on their perfect, tiny heads!!
A few plans for the rest of the week: Cub Scouts on Tuesday, work on Wednesday,Thursday & Saturday with the festival on Sunday!!
A peek into my day...well really my weekend!!
All the Oompas!!! |
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