My family's journey down the road less traveled....

Monday, February 13, 2012

Hello Again,

Good morning dear and faithful readers!  I say this with heavy sarcasm because I'm aware that I get a whopping 1-2 hits per week!!  The intent of this blog is more a therapy tool than anything else.  I'm boring and I'm okay with that.

It's been a busy time around the homestead lately.  Doctor appointments, work, Cub Scouts, bad practice and games, oh my!!   Littlest Oompa and I are working hard on school work so he will be finished by the end of May.  The girls' last day of school is May 31st and I'd like to have a week or two of full relaxation and sleeping in before I get busy at work with summer camp.  Last year, due to switching to this school in November, he had to work into early July to complete all the coursework.  Made for a grumpy kid, mom and put a huge damper on summer break.

I thought I'd start the week off with my Simple Woman's Daybook, so here goes....................

Simple Woman's Daybook #4

Outside my window...the sun is shining making the dusting of snow on the ground blinding.  The sky is light blue that reminds me of spring.  Too bad it's only 20 degrees out!!

I am thinking...that I like myself today.

I am near migraine from last night is gone.

In the kitchen...are dirty dishes from the girls' breakfast and I've got hot coffee in the French press.

I am wearing...pjs and an old sweater my Dad lent me years ago.  It's a cream cardigan with big wooden buttons.  I was over visiting while pregnant with my son and got really cold, he gave me the sweater to wear and insisted I wear it home.  Now, every time I put it on it's like getting a big hug from him!!

I am chore charts for the Oompas.

I am going...hopefully no where today.

I am wondering...when I started saying things my mother said to me??

I am reading...The Vampire Diaries.  They were a gift to my oldest Oompa and she left one laying out so i picked it up.  It's not my usual style but a nice diversion.

I am work goes smoothly today.

I am looking forward to...nothing really.  There have been an increasing number of disappointments around here lately, even over simple things, so to lessen the letdown I've stopped looking forward to things unless I am the one making it happen.

I am learning...about herbal medicine.

Around the's quiet, I will enjoy my coffee and peace for a few more minutes before getting the boy up for the day.  The headache from hell last night kinda wiped me out and I'm moving a little slower than usual. 

I am pondering...where to put the garden gnome my sister-in-law left as a surprise for me yesterday.  She's a sneaky little thing!!

A favorite quote for today...I really haven't heard anything yet today.

One of my favorite coffee :-)

A few plans for the rest of the week:  Middle Oompa has a doctor appointment to follow-up on her new asthma meds, I work on Wednesday and Friday and have an appointment with a new gastro on Thursday.

A peek into my day...

Start your own Simple Woman's Daybook!!

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