My family's journey down the road less traveled....

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Kids Rock....Literally!!!

Michael has been wanting to connect with the kids and find an activity they can all share, in the hopes that even once they hit those turbulent adolescent years, he will still have a way interact with them and be a part of their worlds. His talents and hobbies are so varied, I imagined each kid choosing a different activity and my house turned upside down with 3 projects in varying states of completion! Thankfully, they all chose music. Chloe was a natural fit to the bass and Grace is occupying herself with the keyboard until we can find her the right drum set and Mom an insulated door to help block out the "lovely" sounds coming from their music room. Tonight is the first time all three kids have played together and they are trying to get in sync with each other. They did take the time to brainstorm a bitchin band name and I am proud to introduce......Las Baneras.....The Bathtubs!!!

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