Thursday, December 16, 2010
My new name is Elastigirl....
Months before all of this we'd been working with our bank on a home modification and like all big business...kept getting the run-around. Lost paperwork, misplaced documents and one out right screw-up of we shredded your paperwork by mistake!! It had gotten to the point that we were scheduled for mediation at the courthouse on Tuesday at 3pm. Monday afternoon I made one last hail Mary attempt to resolve the situation and again received the run around about the bank needing the same paperwork they already had, yet again.
Defeated and just plain sad, I told the gentleman on the phone that I appreciated his help but that time had run out for us. I wished him a very Merry Christmas and hung up the phone. Fast forward to Tuesday morning when I receive a call for the above mentioned gentleman now dubbed Hero!! He hand delivered our paperwork to the authorization department and we were approved. All they needed was a copy of 3 pages with a current date and signature. Done and done! Our last hurdle was a phone call to come in sometime that day from the Trial Plan department with the specifics on our new payment.
I'm going to pause in this story to remind you all of something I'd forgotten while wrapped up in the angst of all of this. God is NEVER late and rarely early. Easy to forget when your stomach is in knots and you often sneak off to the bathroom in the middle of the day to cry. I know many families are in this exact same position. Jobless, facing foreclosure and being forsaken by the banks for a buck. It makes it all the worse when you learn the housing crisis was a planned, calculated event. I digress...
Okay, now where was I? Oh yeah...Tuesday at 1:48pm, I received the call from the bank with our official approval. Trial plan runs from January to March, payments reduced by $300, interest rate lowered to a whopping 2.25% and our pay-off date didn't change. 1 hour and 12 minutes to spare. Mediation was canceled and the foreclosure process stopped. God is NEVER late and rarely early.
I know there are still hurdles to overcome in this mess. Michael still needs to find a job but now that the depression and fear of being homeless is off his shoulders he is attacking that obstacle with full force. We're not free and clear just yet but I know with this renewal of faith and sheer determination to make sure this blessing is not wasted, we'll make it.
"...with God, all things are possible." Mathew 19:26
Monday, November 15, 2010
Bending so I don't break....
Joking aside, this situation has greatly impacted all of us. While I am know for my thriftiness, I had to become even more creative. Gone are the days of loading up the grocery buggy with extra treats for the kids. I am happy to report that our monthly grocery bill, which includes cleaners, paper products, health and beauty items plus dog food, has dropped from $450 a month to close to $300 per month!! Not too shabby for a family of 5 with a German Shepherd puppy who spends his day eating. The kids have learned to cut back as well. The girls are no longer buying lunch one a week which shaves off $20 from our expenses. We've luckily found activities for each of them that require little to no cost and even planned Grace's ice skating and slumber party for under $20. I'm even looking at my receipts for Thanksgiving dinner and I'm under $30 for 18 people. Yes, it's a potluck but I'm providing the turkey and most of the side dishes!! Thank you garden and grocery store sales!!
Thanking my lucky stars we has subscribed to the Dave Ramsey debt free model and had a saving cushion. With that we've been able to develop a workable plan and start up a new business. Diamond Clear Headlight Restoration. Thanks to Michael's father, we have the tools and techniques to really make it viable. We're starting off in the absolute worst season but I fully believe and have faith that it'll take off.
Our divergence has taken yet another fork in the path...I'm a little trepidacious but KNOW we'll be alright. After all, when one door closes another opens and leads to a new adventure!!
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Time flies when you work too much....
Thursday, June 03, 2010
What's at the end of your rainbow?
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Pie anyone??
Friday, May 14, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Caught up in the moment....
I'm better now, at least better than I was and getting back to damn near perfect!!
The depression from the stress and this awful medication means I haven't even started on my gardens. Shameful, I know. Thanks to a swift kick in the pants and a lot of prayer I'm back on my feet and WILL have the gardens finished by this weekend. Mikey has graciously offered to help, how much he's going to be able to do with his bad shoulder is questionable, but his offer to help is as much a catalyst as anything.
I've got Roma tomato seedlings, several variety of sweet peppers, spinach, broccoli, celery, basil, oregano, pinto and black beans, corn, lettuces, onion and sweet potatoes and Yukon gold potatoes waiting to be planted. Late start be damned....I have faith (or delusions) that this year's harvest will out shine all the others!!!
Monday, April 19, 2010
We have babies!!!
This past week was hatch week so we've been on eggshells (sorry for the pun), waiting for zips and pips. Thankfully we were not disappointed. Our hatch was smaller than I'd hoped for but not too bad for a first-timer. We welcomed 7 chickens and 1 turkey into our family!!
The whole point to all of this is less reliance on store bought food. I like knowing where my food has come from and having a hand in the high quality. It's also cost effective due to the high price of organic foods on the market. Next step in our educational process is the Whizbang Chicken Plucker! Sounds awful but it's the best thing going right now for processing your own chickens.
The seedlings for my garden are emerging in the mini-greenhouse I built and fingers crossed, I can get a load of topsoil delivered this week and will put my raised bed gardens together. Frost dates in this part of Ohio are second week of May so I have a few weeks yet but hate waiting till the last minute!!
With the apple and cherry tree in full bloom my spring plans also include the revamping of our sad, little pantry to help accommodate all the applesauce and cherry preserves we'll have.
Until next time...
Monday, April 12, 2010
My pet made my breakfast...
Saturday, April 10, 2010
New beginnings....
The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,