After months of grueling searching, looking at shack after cesspool, we found the winner. We spent the summer driving all over central Ohio looking at places. We saw homes with mold, bugs, green shag carpet, kinky torture rooms, open septic tanks, bare electrical wires and even stumbled across the carcass of a deer hanging in a garage. Needless to say, when we found our gem we pounced like on something(I never was good at coming up with that kinda quip). Casa de Patrick is nestled on just over 2 acres in the middle of nowhere surrounded by hundreds of acres of farmland. Not paradise for many of you but we couldn't be happier.
I'd like to thank Will and his freakish boredom for the wonderful aerial shots.

I guess I should get on to the kiddies...all doing extremely well. Chloe is back homeschooling, she had enough public school to last her for a while. Currently in the 3rd grade and kicking ass!! Her recent aptitude tests scored well above grade level(again) and she's enjoying working at her own accelerated pace. She is a favorite among her fellow Girl Scouts and is a near prodigy at toilet humor!!
Grace just turned 7 and is in 1st grade. She has finally gotten over her shyness issue and blossomed into an amazingly weird kid. Her sense of humor is a nice mix of snarky and offbeat. She's growing like a weed and is only 2 inches shorter than Chloe and wearing the same size clothing. Usually dressed in all pink she can often be found in the garage pretending to haul ass in the go-kart or out climbing trees in the yard. Like I said, truly strange kid.
There's not much to be said about Elijah that the words, "exhausting little busybody" doesn't sum up! Now 4.5yrs old, he's on the go from the moment he wakes up! He's in heaven out here since tractors and trucks are always in view. He told me when he grows up he's going to be a farmer, have lots of cows and Daddy and I are going to help. Mmmm, long as I get to drive the combine!!

Mikey and I are doing well too. I've been busy juggling both girl's school work, Girl Scouts, the house and business but it has kept me out of trouble! Right now I'm spending my free time scouring design books and HGTV looking for redecorating ideas. Peg Leg is really taking off and hopefully by the first of the year we'll have a new line of products. It's been tough with the move and Michael being switched from 3rd to 2nd shift(both of which suck), to work on new designs. As I often remind myself, it comes little by little to those who have faith. I know where my faith is, I just keep losing my patience! I think it's at the bottom of my purse next to the lint covered cough drop.